Emergency Operations And Preparedness

Current News and Events

2024-2025  Required Safety And Security Training

FEMA IS-100.C - Introduction to the Incident Command System (EOP Requirement of Key Personnel)

Audience: Principals, Safe School Coordinators, DCMRT Executive Team, and other Kep Personnel listed in the YISD EOP  

Instructions:  This mandatory professional development is partly text-based and video-based.  To begin the course, navigate to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute website using the link below.  You will land on the IS-100. Sca course website.  IMPORTANT - Before you attempt to begin the course, you must apply for a FEMA Student Identification (SID) Number. Follow the instructions located at the top of the website to obtain your SID number.  Once you have your SID number, you may click on the "Interactive Web-Based Course" link, located on the middle-right side of the website.  To obtain your certificate, you must answer all questions and complete the course.  A PDF certificate will be issued to you at the end of the course.  Please send your certificate to the Office of Emergency Operations and Preparedness to satisfy this training requirement.         

Email Flongley| Phone: (915)434-0090.

Website:  IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100 

FEMA IS-700.B - National Incident Management System (EOP Requirement of Key Personnel)  

Audience: Principals, Safe School Coordinators, DCMRT Executive Team, and other Kep Personnel listed in the YISD EOP

Instructions:  This mandatory professional development is partly text-based and video-based.  To begin the course, navigate to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute website using the link below.  You will land on the IS-700.B course website.  IMPORTANT - Before you attempt to begin the course, you must apply for a FEMA Student Identification (SID) Number. Follow the instructions located at the top of the website to obtain your SID number.  Once you have your SID number, you may click on the "Interactive Web-Based Course" link, located on the middle-right side of the website.  To obtain your certificate, you must answer all questions and complete the course.  A PDF certificate will be issued to you at the end of the course.  Please send your certificate to the Office of Emergency Operations and Preparedness to satisfy this training requirement.       

Email Flongley | Phone: (915)434-0090.  

Website:  IS-700.B: National Incident Management System , ICS 700

FEMA IS-362.A - Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools (EOP Recommendation of Key Personnel)

Audience: DCMRT Executive Team

Instructions:  This mandatory professional development is partly text-based and video-based.  To begin the course, navigate to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute website using the link below.  You will land on IS-362. A course website.  IMPORTANT - Before you attempt to begin the course, you must apply for a FEMA Student Identification (SID) Number. Follow the instructions located at the top of the website to obtain your SID number.  Once you have your SID number, you may click on the "Interactive Web-Based Course" link, located on the middle-right side of the website.  To obtain your certificate, you must answer all questions and complete the course.  A PDF certificate will be issued to you at the end of the course.  Please send your certificate to the Office of Emergency Operations and Preparedness to satisfy this training requirement.

Email Flongley | Phone: (915)434-0090.  

Website:  IS-362.A: National Incident Management System , ICS 362

Suspicious and Unauthorized Deliveries (2023 Texas School Safety Center's Safety and Security Audit Requirement)

Audience:  Administrators and Front Office Paraprofessionals (Those designated to receive deliveries)

Instructions: This short presentation coincides with the newly established delivery log developed as a result of the 2023 audit. Please review the presentation (PDF) in full. Once your review is complete, please download, print, and upload the affidavit to EMS Navigate360.
Email Flongley | Phone: (915)434-0090.   

Presentation PDF: Suspicious and Unauthorized Deliveries_ADA

Affidavit: Confirmation Affidavits Suspicious and Unauthorized Deliveries_ADA

Evacuation Excel Chair (IDEA, ADA, TEC, and OSHA Requirements)

Audience:  School employees assigned to operate an Evacuation Excel Chair

Instructions: This short presentation addresses the requirements for the 2023 State Safety & Security Audit. Please review the presentation in full. Once your review is complete, please complete the affidavit upload it to EMS Navigate360 and submit it to your Safe School Coordinator.
Email Flongley  | Phone: (915)434-0090.   

Presentation Slide Deck: Evacuation Excel Chair

Affidavit:   Confirmation Affidavits - Evacuation Excel Chair ADA.pdf

If you have any questions concerning this training or whether you should participate, please get in touch with the Offices of Emergency Operations and Preparedness at 915-434-0090 or Email Us Here.

Frances Yepez

Frances Yepez

Office of Emergency Operations and Preparedness
Office: 915-434-0106
Email Frances Yepez

Felicia Longley  
Office Clerk IV
Office:  915-434-0090

Email:  Felicia Longley