Growth and Development
The Ysleta School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has reviewed the following movies used by the District and the City of El Paso Public Health Department Health Educators:
Growing Up for Boys - 5th-6th Grades
Growing Up for Girls - 5th-6th Grades
Always Changing: About You - 5th-6th Grades
Just Around the Corner- 5th-6th Grades
Puberty for Boys: Amazing Changes Inside and Out - 5th-6th Grades
Puberty for Girls: Amazing Changes Inside and Out - 5th-6th Grades
Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys
Straight Talk About Puberty for Girls
Generally, the presentations are given to 5th and 6th graders but can also be given to the 4th graders along with the Boy/Girl packets that contain deodorant.
The SHAC approves the use of these videos and respectfully recommends the following:
Strongly encourage parental participation; offer parents the opportunity to preview the materials.
This program is taught during regular school hours to grades 4-6.
Require Campus Administrators to be familiar with the content before being shown to students.
The campus nurse is the campus coordinator for the Growth and Development classes.
Ensure the collection of the District parent permission forms. Provide an alternative location for students not participating.