Teachers New to YISD

New Teacher / New Hire Support

The Ysleta BTIM Program (Beginning Teacher Induction and Mentoring), is a two-year comprehensive program to support new teachers as well as eligible new hires, regardless of years of experience.


The Ysleta ISD BTIM Program has been established to improve the recruitment and retention of quality teachers and ensure the continued success of teachers new to Ysleta ISD. The BTIM Program will include meetings, professional development, and support through collaboration between mentors and new teachers (mentees). The BTIM Program is for novice teachers (0 to 3-years of experience) as well as eligible teachers who have beyond 3 years of teaching experience, are new to YISD, or are recommended by campus principal/district personnel to be in the program. Mentors will be trained to better meet the needs of mentees and provide the necessary growth for their continued success in Ysleta ISD.

Mission Statement: 

The mission of the Ysleta ISD Beginning Teacher Mentoring Program (BTIM) is to recruit, develop, and retain quality educators by supporting, challenging, and inspiring teachers to become competent, confident, and compassionate so that they can make a positive difference for their students. The BTIM Program will provide opportunities for teachers to improve their skills through implementation of professional learning, which will enable them to enrich the learning experience for all students.

There are three main components to the YISD BTIM:

  1. New Teacher Induction: A four-day in-service to introduce new teachers to the district, its goals, programs, procedures, and practices to increase opportunities for success in the classroom.

  2. On-going New Teacher Professional Development and real-time classroom observations aimed at providing continued professional growth opportunities for all teachers.

  3. On-going Mentor Academies and real-time classroom observations to ensure the necessary support and professional development for those teachers assigned as mentors.

Naomi Esparza
Director of Mentoring and Teacher Quality
Office (915) 434-0801
E-mail Naomi Esparza

What responsibilities do I have as a Mentee?

As a Mentee, you should seek help from your assigned Mentor and other faculty, observe other teachers, constantly self-assess and self-adjust, and be open to collaborative dialogue and planning.

What does it mean if my principal wants me to participate in BTIM for a third year?

Principals may see the need for additional support for a third year.

A change of grade level, content area, or campus may weigh in on this decision.

What are the requirements to be a Mentor?

A teacher interested in becoming a Mentor should meet the following criteria:

 - Have 3 or more years of teaching experience;

 - Excellent classroom practice;

 - Displays personal and professional strengths to support Mentees;

 - Demonstrates commitment to improving academic achievement of all students;

 - Works in close proximity with Mentee and reflects on instructional practices;

 - Collaborates, plans and dialogues with mentee.

How long does a teacher receive support directly from BTIM?

The BTIM Program is intended to support a Mentee for a minimum of two years. A third year is upon principal recommendation.