Points of Pride
Ysleta High School
2017 & 2019 TEA Distinguished Campus
8600 Alameda Avenue El Paso, Texas 79907 Phone (915) 434-8000 Fax (915) 434-8020
Advanced Academics
Our school offers the following:
AP Courses:
Art 2 English 3 English Literature Physics 1 (Algebra-Based) Spanish 4 Spanish 5 U.S. History World History
Dual Credit Online Courses:
Professional Communication (SPCH 1321) US Government (GOVT 2305 & GOVT 2306)
Dual Credit Face-to-Face Courses:
Astronomy (ASTR 1303 & ASTR 1304)
Calculus 2 (MATH 2314)
Learning Framework (EDUC 1300)
Psychology (PSYC 2301)
U.S. History (HIST 1301 & HIST 1302)
Biology(BIOL 1306 & BIOL 1307)
English 3 (ENGL 1301 & ENGL 1302)
Music Appreciation (MUSI 1306)
Professional Communication (SPCH 1321)
Criminal Justice (CRIJ 1306 & CRIJ)
Calculus 1 (MATH 2413)
English 4 (ENGL 2323)
Pre-Calculus (MATH 1314 & MATH 2412)
U.S. Government (GOVT 2305 & GOVT 2306)

Mechatronics Engineering T-STEM Academy
The Ysleta High School Mechatronics Engineering Academy graduated its first cohort of students in 2020 and is the first Mechatronics Academy in the Ysleta Independent School District. Our academy provides students with the opportunity to investigate career choices in the fields of computer science as well as mechanical, electrical, electronics, and software engineering. Through experience within the academy, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a post-secondary degree in these fields. In addition, students will earn at least 15 hours of college credit as well as industry certifications that will equip them to be successful upon graduation.

Ysleta High School Early College Academy
The Ysleta High School Early College Academy (YHSECA) is in its sixth year of designation and is slated to have its seventh student cohort in the 2023-2024 school year. YHSECA continues to partner with EPCC and UTEP and is the first early college high school to be housed on a traditional high school campus in the El Paso lower valley. YHSECA students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree upon or before graduating from high school, while enjoying all of the stellar athletics, organizations, clubs, and activities that Ysleta High School offers. As well, YHSECA students on the accelerated associate degree track may qualify to earn an additional 18 college credit hours at UTEP. For more information, click on the link above.
The Flagsip of YISD
On May 10, 2019, Ysleta High School received a historical marker from the El Paso County Historic Commission. The marker was placed in front of Ysleta High School with great pride. The Ysleta area located in El Paso's lower valley was the first region of the United States where the Spanish settled. Our community lies alongside the Rio Grande and the Mexican border. The school opened in 1927 and serves a mostly Hispanic population today. The school was designed by the architect, Henry C. Trost, and is rich with tradition. Our school has been and remains the "Pride of the Lower Valley".
Once an Indian, Always an Indian